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It started in 1956. It takes part in opera and operetta shows. Since 2005 the director has been Małgorzata Bornowska. Since then the group has been realising their own concert activities, performing both vocal and instrumental pieces and a cappella ones. It has performed in churches in Szczecin and within Organ Music Festivals in Kamień Pomorski and Koszalin numerous times. The choir has realised shows for children: Farfurka Królowej Bony and About dwarfs and Mary the Orphan. They have also recorded opera pieces by S. Moniuszko: The Pariah, The Raftsman and Verbum nobile, which in 2013 was awarded with prestigious International Classical Music Awards in the opera category.




Tetiana Bilchak*, Kornelia Iwaćkowska, Małgorzata Kieć, Maria Krahel, Tetiana Loznieva – Dovhopol, Kateryna Tsebriy, Marzena Wiencis-Mamrot*.

Valentyna Chornous, Monika Gałczyk-Lewicka, Wanda Morawska, Marina Waszyńska, Aleksandra Wojtachnia (Choir inspector), Justyna Zawilińska, Małgorzata Zgorzelska*.

Ruslan Bilchak*, Piotr Calli, Marcin Scech*, Piotr Urban.

Dariusz Hibler, Winicjusz Jankowski, Dariusz Kotlarz, Oleksandr Polianskyi, Dawid Safin, Adam Szramski, Jarosław Zadon

* choir soloist